Estd 1984

St. Joseph's Sr. Secondary School
Rihand Nagar
Admission into LKG: A child must have completed 3 years and should not be above 4 years on the 1st April of the current year.
On the date/ fixed by the principal, registration forms will be issued on payment, after which the date of selection test will be intimated. On the day of registration the Birth Certificate in the original and a photocopy (from the Municipality, Corporation or Panchayat) of the same and an Affidavit declaring the date of birth should be produced.
Admission to class 8and below: In case of pupils from a school not affiliated to the Board the Transfer certificate of the previous school of such pupils shall be countersigned by an officer not below the rank of a District inspector of schools of the Education Department of the state/union terr5itory concerned and the pupils shall not be admitted to a school without such a countersignature. Countersignatures are necessary even in case a candidate is admitted from one affiliated school to another of the Board.
Countersignatures are necessary even in case a candidate is admitted from one affiliated school to another of the Board.
The parent will fill the admission form and he/she will be responsible for the conduct and fees of the pupil. Pupils leaving the school any time after the reopening of the new session must give a month’s notice or a month’s fee in lieu there of :
Application for a transfer certificate shall beam in writing to the principal by the parent/guardian of the pupil.